“The elegance of unique African hardwoods from the heart of Mozambique”.
This is the foundation on which LevasFlor African Hardwoods built its business, which has been operational for 16 years. LevasFlor has a forest concession of 46 000 hectares of Miombo woodlands and over 200 employees. Their business is to deliver sustainable wooden products to the local market. LevasFlor is based in Beira, Mozambique’s 2nd largest city and an important port – known as the ‘heart of Mozambique’, and is situated up the coast in Sofala province at the mouth of the Púngoè River.
The Challenge
LevasFlor’s main operations is located in a remote area where traditional internet and communication networks can’t reach which made effective business communication difficult. Without reliable video calling, voice calls, email, financial data etc. it is difficult for any business to trade and run field operations, and LevasFlor had to find a solution to provided trusted voice, video, data and broadband services to their forest operations.
The Solution
Together with our partner Dimension Data/Internet Solutions in Mozambique, Q-KON supplied and commissioned a Twoobii Smart Satellite Service at LevasFlor’s forest office. The Twoobii service supports Teams video calls, international calls, business data and broadband services. IS/DiData is also working on a voice solution that will soon be integrated with the Twoobii service to provide seamless telephone services to the local Mozambique telco networks.
“We are happy to have reliable internet access even in a remote location! This makes it possible to run the business more efficiently!”
Nils von Sydow, Chief Executive Officer, LevasFlor