2020 Message from CEO
Welcome to 2020!
It is always good to plan and reflect before a new journey, a new project or a new year. Good planning for a journey helps to prepare you for the way ahead, it set your focus and equipped you for challenges, it can even include contingency options should incidents happen.
May you be blessed with strength, wisdom and health. May you have “vasbyt” for the up’s and smiles for the downs.
May you reach your personal goals and may you have a loving and fulfilled life.
I am looking forward to continue our business journey together. Stay good. Stay Strong.
Tented Camp – Twoobii… or Not to Be
Spitzkoppe is a small tented camp North-west from Windhoek and provides accommodation for up to 15 people. The camp is a delight for nature lovers with spectacular views of the Spitzkoppe mountain.
Today modern hospitality guest services, general camp operations and on-line bookings all require reliable broadband services. Spitzkoppe camp management required a reliable and cost-effective service with local field support and on-site back-up.
Coastal Cable and the Twoobii satellite broadband service was selected as the preferred option. The Twoobii network can deliver up to 20Mbps download speed and up to 8 voice calls with built-in HOTspot services and extended camp Wi-Fi network options.
Making Satellite Work for your business
Satellites are high up in the sky. At 35 000km, this is very high, and for some users this just embodies the “up in the air” and “impractical” nature of satellite technologies. However, the satellite industry is currently growing fast, is very dynamic, and is rapidly changing, with many innovations being launched or planned in the near future.
Satellite networks are no longer about just contracting some satellite space segment, buy a hub and install some remotes. These networks have become very, very specialised. With layer2-over-satellite capabilities, data rates of 70Mbps using 2,4m terminals and full-mobility options, you are best served by a service provider that specialises in satellite and niche technologies.
Delivery of these services is 50% about network engineering and 50% about service delivery. It includes field implementation resources as well as 24/7 remote monitoring capabilities, etc.
Do the right thing and find the specialist service provider with the skills, experience and capabilities to deliver value to your business.
Did you Know?
Footprints left on the Moon won’t disappear as there is no wind.